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IT Service Management

See how you and your team can move from cost center to revenue driver, and become a tech leader in the process.

Have you ever used Google to search for something you didn't know? Or deposited a check at an ATM (or even better yet, deposited it through your mobile phone while wearing your pajamas)? Today, self-service is...

Hi, I'm Nikki, and I used to be a systems administrator. I want to share a few things that made us successful with our service desk here at Atlassian. In this new blog series,...

First, it's important to remember that change is an evolution. It doesn't just happen overnight. Having realistic goals means it will be more exciting once your team hits them out of the park. After Jira...

If you rely on email for internal support, chances are valuable time is wasted going back and forth trying to get the right information. Work is assigned inefficiently, leading to slower resolution times and...

We often collect feedback and requests from people outside of our team. If they find a bug, need something done, or have a feature request – somehow and some way, they need to reach...