Data residency update: realm migration for Connect partner preview

Data residency update: realm migration for Connect partner preview

Last November we launched an Early Access Program (EAP) for realm migration — a new feature which allows you to offer a more complete data residency solution for customers.

After six months of early access for realm migration and two months of early access for a new app data residency customer UI, we’re pleased to announce the preview release of realm migration for Connect apps, which allows you to move customer data from one region and pin it to another. With the Preview release, we encourage partners with Connect apps to start using the realm migration service and associated APIs to complete the data residency solution for your customers.

Why should developers care about data residency?

Data residency is a critical feature for many Atlassian cloud and migrating customers, as it can help them meet company and regulatory requirements.

It is also a critical feature for customers considering which Marketplace apps to install. In fact, 80% of Atlassian enterprise cloud customers say apps meeting their data residency requirements is very or extremely important.

Privacy & Security tab
App data residency UI on

With data residency information visible on the Marketplace Privacy & Security tab and on, partners who offer data residency can now highlight this feature to customers more easily.

How to get started with realm migration for Connect apps

Customers are currently able to move their Jira or Confluence cloud data to different realms to meet their data residency needs. However, if an app is installed prior to this move, the customer may be unable to easily ensure their app data resides in a similar location to the product it extends.

Even if an app supports realm pinning in the correct regions, a customer’s app data residency experience will likely feel incomplete without support for realm migration.

Get started with realm migration by:

You can find detailed, step-by-step documentation here which also outlines a testing avenue for your app. If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback, please reach out to us by leaving a comment on this post on the developer community.

How to get started with data residency for your Connect apps

If you have Connect apps that store data outside of Atlassian, start exploring data residency for Connect apps. We currently support the following realms to help customers in these regions meet their data protection and compliance requirements:

This is a key feature to help our shared customers use apps in cloud, and we’re here to support you. If you face technical issues with APIs or bugs, please raise via our developer support desk, or ask us on the developer community.

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