Articles About


Ask any successful person and they’ll tell you about a role model. Somebody they aspired to be like. Somebody who...

Despite what you’ve seen in the movies, Santa Claus isn’t a one-man show – it’s a network. SCL is a worldwide operation of over 5,000 elves, reindeer, and a team of Santa decoys, all...

If you've ever thought to yourself, "Wouldn't it be awesome if (insert Atlassian product) did..." there's a good chance that someone else had the same thought and built an add-on to do exactly what...

In the mad dash for the end of the year it's easy to forget that after all the lights, drinks, and budgets from 2015 come to a close, your company expects you to know...

In a software development setting, it’s a common requirement to transfer information from emails to Jira Software, Jira Core, or Jira Service Desk. Have you ever wondered “Is there is a faster way to...

We’re excited to announce new learning content at Atlassian University to help accelerate your success. Atlassian University now offers something for everyone, from brand-new users to Jira admins. Our new learning levels provide content...