Articles About


Ask any successful person and they’ll tell you about a role model. Somebody they aspired to be like. Somebody who...

At Atlassian, we love interacting and listening to you, our customers. Two years ago at Summit 2013, Atlassian introduced Jira Service Desk in response to customers who were looking to use Jira as an...

One of Atlassian's core values is "Be the change you seek." For Atlassian support, it means innovation can't be put aside, despite very busy schedules. In other words, obstacles to change can't stand in...

We know. If you're not familiar with using wiki software, the first thing you think of is probably Wikipedia. If that's not the first thing, then it's probably "WTF is a wiki?" Check out...

We believe in supporting teams who are doing great things around the world. Over the past 13 years we've donated 30,000 community licenses to non-profit organizations, a total value of $58 million. And we...

$48,500. That was the PricewaterhouseCoopers salary that I turned down in 2002 to start Atlassian with Mike Cannon-Brookes. There was...