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Ask any successful person and they’ll tell you about a role model. Somebody they aspired to be like. Somebody who...

[youtube] They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but we can’t help but share what we learned...

A few weeks ago we kicked off the ITSM bootcamp with an overview of the Atlassian approach to ITSM. Over...

There are all sorts of hidden features that you can impress your team with in Hipchat. Learn these 5 tips and tricks and you’ll be showering in your coworkers’ admiration in no time.

On the go? You can listen to this blog, read by the author, using the player below.  [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=0066cc&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false”...

We’re excited to announce that SAML 2.0 support is now available out of the box with Hipchat Server 2.2, giving...