Articles About

Jira Service Desk

This article was written with Olga Rusnak of Railsware. —— In the late ‘90s and early 2000s, most technology companies...

Learn about how email is the new ‘snail mail’ for service teams. This is the third post in our series...

For any IT team, understanding assets is the key to better service. Effective asset management means these questions always have answers. This results in better, smarter IT service and overall cost savings, as assets...

Learn about how email is the new 'snail mail' for service teams. This is the second post in our series on how your service team can build on top of email support with Jira...

By 2017, 132 billion business emails will be sent and received per day. By the time you finish reading this, 20 more billion business emails will be written.* Email is our go-to mode of communication....

With developers and IT teams working in separate systems, there are blind spots in the process. With no collaboration channel, IT teams don't get the visibility and communication they need on fixes and improvements....