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Great projects come from great teams, working in collaboration Think of the most successful, most satisfying project you’ve ever been...

A story map is a visual representation of the journey a customer takes with a product, including activities and tasks they complete. Agile teams create the story map in a collaborative session to ensure...

By using Atlassian Jira (Core or Software) every day, I became crazy about wanting to "jiralyse" everything. As the product moves to being less and less linked to IT software development, it’s becoming easier...

In a DevOps world, work is often merged to master multiple times a day, but it’s not always easy to know when changes ship. Developers have full control over deploying their changes to customers...

Agile software development supports a release plan, but it's challenging to coordinate that on a multi-team level when you've got a lot of dependencies between teams. Rosetta Stone, a language learning technology company, found...

Using both Jira Software and Portfolio for Jira, teams can see whether the day-to-day work they're doing maps directly to the company's overall strategy. But people often ask me "well, what happens in Portfolio...