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Great projects come from great teams, working in collaboration Think of the most successful, most satisfying project you’ve ever been...

Are you using Jira Portfolio but unsure about where to start? Or maybe you're not using Jira Portfolio but want to see how it works? Good news! We've created a series of Jira Portfolio demo...

Stand-up is one of the fundamental parts of agile development, and it’s often the most misunderstood. Let’s be real: stand-ups by themselves don’t make your team agile. They aren’t about inflating egos or justifying...

With over 6 million members, Gilt is one of the hottest e-commerce sites on the planet. At noon every day it provides a flash sale of today’s top designer labels at up to 60%...

In the late afternoon on Fridays you can often hear clapping and cheering throughout the Atlassian office. Here, we work hard, play hard, and celebrate our successes in the form of sprint reviews. Sprint reviews...

Happy New Year! It's time to dust off those running shoes and tackle your new year’s resolutions! Often, teams take the New Year as a time to assess, re-prioritize, and plan. Even when using an...