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Great projects come from great teams, working in collaboration Think of the most successful, most satisfying project you’ve ever been...

Happy December, the time for retrospectives! The end of the year is a time for reflection. For our team, each member considers questions like: What went well? What accomplishments did I make? What do I want to...

With agile, it’s easy to talk about processes, ceremonies, and workflows. But it’s also easy to lose sight of the team. In this article, we’ll explore the dynamics of forming nimble agile teams and...

I’ve been a Jira Software administrator for some time now and have worked with hundreds of customers’ instances. I’m often asked,...

Collecting the right information from the start makes interactions between the development team and issue reporters much easier. In this...

I’ve been called many things by many people, and “borderline OCD” is one that pops up more frequently than I...