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A curated list of teamwork quotes to inspire you and your team to do great work together.

Hint: It's not "let's start the meeting."

Since 2014, tech companies have been releasing diversity reports. CEOs and heads of diversity have spoken about the investments necessary...

Today we’re excited to announce new Atlassian Power-Ups for Trello available for Atlassian cloud products: Jira Software, Confluence, and Bitbucket,...

There are all sorts of hidden features that you can impress your team with in Hipchat. Learn these 5 tips and tricks and you’ll be showering in your coworkers’ admiration in no time.

On the go? You can listen to this blog, read by the author, using the player below.  [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=0066cc&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false”...