Articles About


A curated list of teamwork quotes to inspire you and your team to do great work together.

Think about how you communicate with the people on your team and in your company. In today's offices, with distributed teams across the globe, we often don't have the luxury of just walking up...

Preparations are well underway for Atlassian Summit 2016, our annual user conference. Our call for speakers is currently open, and we're excited to welcome speakers with a range of experience and subject matter expertise...

I wish I could say we started with grand plans to revolutionize our company culture, but in all honesty, we simply wanted to share funny stuff without sending an email blast. So, we tried...

We built Jira Core because we realized business and back-office teams could benefit from Jira in the same ways software teams do. Jira Core extends the workflow functionality and customizability of Jira to business...

Despite the myriad advances in workplace technology, we're still forming teams the old fashioned way. We pour over org charts. We obsess about bringing the right blend of skills and view points to the...