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A curated list of teamwork quotes to inspire you and your team to do great work together.

Featured add-on: Multiexcerpt Plugin – Select multiple excerpts across a page or across different spaces and recombine them to aggregate your content...

This April, Tempo released Tempo Books, a modern and flexible professional services solution on top of Jira. Tempo Books for Jira is built on years of experience and customer feedback. As a result, our...

You’ve been working through an issue all morning and you suddenly realize you forgot to log the time you started. Oops. If you’re like a lot of people who can’t even remember what they...

Together, Jira and Hipchat eliminate shoulder tapping while ensuring that agile teams can collaborate and communicate in real-time. Team members get the information they want, when and where they want it. Does it get...

Here are five great tips for creating Confluence pages that I've learned (and wish I knew sooner) while using Confluence as the primary tool for working with my team.