Forty percent of those who move to the cloud say their migration was easier than expected, and 33 percent say the process went faster than they’d hoped.
One of the reasons cloud migration is getting smoother, faster, and better all the time is that our teams are constantly developing and improving the tools that help you navigate the process. Demos. Online migration guides. Even a new business case toolkit that helps you convince your boss it’s time to make the switch.
If you’re about to embark on your own migration, here are seven tools designed to help make it as efficient and straightforward as possible:
1. Cloud migration demos
Join our migrations team for a step-by-step walkthrough of cloud migration either live or on-demand. Live sessions include a chat Q&A where you can ask any burning questions, and we’ll share best practices and free resources you can use to plot out your move.
Live sessions happen once a week on both European and North American time zones, and you can sign up here.

2. An online server-to-cloud migration guide
If you’ve never done a migration, the planning process can feel a bit daunting. Which is why we put together this step-by-step walkthrough of the migration process. It’ll take you through our six stages of migration (assess, plan, prep, test, migrate, launch), help you understand every step of the process, and point you toward additional valuable resources along the way.

3. Cloud migration assistants
The best way to move everything you need from Jira or Confluence server or Data Center to the cloud is via our migration assistants.
Both assistants are designed to:
- Assess your third-party marketplace apps to figure out which ones can migrate with you and which you’ll need to replace
- Let you migrate without overwriting existing data
- Instantly migrate users and groups (and set up ongoing syncing as needed)
- Track your migration progress in real time
With Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant you can choose to migrate multiple spaces at once – or one at a time – giving you the flexibility you need for testing, phased migrations, or all-at-once big moves. And Jira Cloud Migration Assistant offers similar flexibility. Migrate one project, five projects, or your entire project list.
4. App assessment tools
Within the migration assistants, our app assessment tools help you identify which server apps have a migration pathway to cloud and which will need to be replaced or retired. For those using a lot of apps, this can save admins significant manual assessment time.
Even better, marketplace vendors are building new migration pathways all the time, so app migration is getting simpler. In fact, 42 popular marketplace apps are currently building automated migration pathways for both the apps and their data.
Right now, this is part of an early-access program, but once the functionality becomes generally available, you’ll be able to automatically migrate those apps and their data through the migration assistants at the same time you move your projects, spaces, and users.

Worried about some of your apps not migrating? It’s important to note that some of the functionality apps provide in server is now available native in cloud. Cloud’s new features – like calendars and advanced roadmaps – mean you won’t need as many apps to get things done.
5. A business case toolkit to help you convince your boss
If you’re sold on migration but your leadership isn’t quite there, our business case toolkit will help you make the case for cloud in your organization.

Use our email templates to invite stakeholders to a presentation and follow up with them afterward. Customize our presentation template to hit all your key points in the presentation itself. And use our tools to estimate total cost of ownership, understand ROI, and get leadership on board for the migration you know is coming.
6. A cloud migration toolkit (including the only migration checklist you’ll ever need)
This free bundle of migration resources includes:
- A detailed migration checklist that takes you through every step of the process, in order, and ensures you won’t miss a thing
- An equally detailed migration runbook template
- Communication templates that help keep stakeholders and employees in the loop on cloud migration milestones
7. Cloud migration trials
We’re offering our server and Data Center clients up to 12 months of free cloud access so that you can explore, test, and migrate at your own pace.
Most of us wouldn’t buy a car without giving a test drive, and we don’t expect you to make the leap to cloud without a chance to kick the tires.
Survey says: It’s time for cloud
If you’re reading this, you’re probably already thinking about your cloud migration. And with good reason.
A survey shows cloud gives customers peace of mind around maintaining security and version upgrades, saves admin time, and saves money. And 89 percent of customers say it took less than six months to start reaping the rewards of cloud – so that peace and savings isn’t far off.
Use the resources above to start planning your move, convincing your leadership, or giving cloud a test run to see for yourself what it has to offer.