Latest Articles

An update to customers, stakeholders, and shareholders on our mission to unleash the potential in every team.

When you’re juggling multiple projects with several stakeholders, it’s easy for things to feel out of control. You try to rein it in with strict deadlines, frequent meetings, and maybe even a bit of...

Get ready, get set, Codegeist! Codegeist, Atlassian’s annual developer hackathon, is now open. Compete with thousands of developers from across...

You’d be hard pressed to find a knowledge worker whose method of working hasn’t evolved over the last couple years. The concept of “office” has taken on an amorphous state of being—the choice of...

Businesses unlock more value through the adoption of cloud technologies.

Are you a developer looking to jump in and build your first Atlassian app? Welcome aboard – we’re happy you’re...

Learn how we're strengthening our commitment to advancing value stream-centric ways of working.

The Agile methodology for project management is a powerful and highly effective framework. Teams implementing Agile methods like Scrum can see as much as a 250% increase in performance across certain metrics—that’s a number...

Workday updates come through regularly for HR teams and organizations. Learn how Atlassian IT manages and streamlines those updates using Jira.

Your organization’s IT team does more than reset passwords and make sure employees’ printers are configured properly. Today’s IT teams have an array of modern responsibilities on their plates. And with new responsibilities come...

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