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An update to customers, stakeholders, and shareholders on our mission to unleash the potential in every team.

Learn how your team can leverage new features in Jira Software roadmaps to boost visibility of their work, plan with greater accuracy, and report progress with greater confidence.

Nikki Zavadska from Jexo recently took part in Appy Hours, a new monthly event where 4 Marketplace Partners and app...

2022 is a remarkable year for Atlassian as we celebrate a full decade of app-powered collaboration with our unparalleled ecosystem...

Bringing together our community to make lasting connections is one of the most valuable parts of our annual Developer Day...

Learn the top three ways that a developer-optimized DevOps program can benefit your team.

Trello vs. Smartsheet. If you’ve been in the market for a project management solution, chances are you’ve heard both of these tools mentioned! Trello has a longstanding reputation as one of the most beloved...

Many different factors go into making the decision to hit the “download” button on an app from the Marketplace. Prospective...

Our Enterprise roadmap focuses on four pillars that we’ll highlight to show each of its top recent features and other things we’re working on.

Here are nine benefits that will convince your executive team to pursue a digital transformation.

When you step back to think about what stands in the way between your team and peak productivity, it’s tempting to point the finger at a bunch of different factors.

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