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With Rewatch, Loom will help you run more efficient meetings by automating post-meeting follow-up

When I first started working at Atlassian, my team, Jira Studio, was working on load testing, with the goal of...

At Atlassian, we’ve been on the Google Gadgets gravy train for the past few months. Working with gadgets means you’ll...

At an event organized by Karen Huffman from National Geographic Society several of our customers share their stories about wikis using the Pecha Kucha presentation style. Each presentation is limited to 20 slides,...

This Bamboo customer story is the final of an 8-part blog series about <a href="">why so many developers adopt continuous integration</a> written by our guest blogger, John Ferguson Smart. Last time we talked...

Confluence 3 enters the beta phase. You can download it or try it out on our public servers. We would love to hear from you, so have a look and tell us what you...

Yesterday San Francisco celebrated Bike to Work Day. A celebration of biking, healthy lifestyles and green living, Bike to Work...

Yesterday we ran a must-see Voice of the Customer webinar with Jeff Schilling, CTO of S1 Enterprise. S1 Enterprise is...

Jeremiah Owyang raised some interesting thoughts over at his blog about 7 Questions Some Brands Are Asking About Twitter ....

Does unit testing exhibit quantum behaviour? Of course it does!

Roberto Dominguez of ComalaTech will show off the Approvals Workflow Plugin for Confluence in next week’s Plugin of the Month...