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With Rewatch, Loom will help you run more efficient meetings by automating post-meeting follow-up

So you want to create a diagram showing how a user might navigate through your app? Then yUML, a new...

This Bamboo customer story is the seventh of an 8-part blog series about <a href="">why so many developers adopt continuous integration</a> written by our guest blogger, John Ferguson Smart. Last time we talked...

We’re absolutely stoked to have been invited to participate in “Sharing Wikis Stories the Pecha Kucha Way” taking place this...

With the release of <a href="">Clover 2.5</a>, we have taken <a href="">Test Optimization</a> to a new level with some very significant improvements. You can now take advantage of Test Optimization directly from <a...

This is an open call to Hugh Jackman to host Atlassian's Charlie Awards. He did such an awesome job <a href="">at the Oscars</a>, how could we not ask? Picture: huge Aussie actor meets Fast...

This Bamboo customer story is the sixth of an 8-part blog series about <a href="">why so many developers adopt continuous integration</a> written by our guest blogger, John Ferguson Smart. Last time we talked...

Register now for next week’s Voice of the Customer webinar with Jeff Schilling of S1 Enterprise. Jeff, S1 Enterprise’s CTO,...

<form><a href=""><img src=" icon-thumb-125x125.png" width="125" height="125" alt="bamboo icon.png" class="mt-image-right" style="float: right;margin: 0 0 20px 20px" /></a></form>In just the last few weeks, there have been several great developments for <a href="">Atlassian Bamboo</a> users looking to...

A while back Atlassian reached $100 million in all time revenue. We’ve asked some of our employees to give us...

This Bamboo customer story is the fifth of an 8-part blog series about <a href="">why so many developers adopt continuous integration</a> written by our guest blogger, John Ferguson Smart. Last time we talked...