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With Rewatch, Loom will help you run more efficient meetings by automating post-meeting follow-up

The extended Sydney Atlassian crew was out for Christmas celebrations at Bicentennial Park earlier this month. It was a scorcher...

The emotional roller coaster pulls into the station this week as our team of Confluence users completes the planning for...

Great news! Atlassian has once again been nominated for the JOLT Awards. This year, we’re in the running in the...

How many hours a year do your developers and product managers spend replying to sales people’s queries about customer’s feature...

With the New Year rapidly approaching, I wanted to give you a snapshot of past webinars, and upcoming ones before...

At last week's <a href="">Devoxx</a> in Antwerp, Belgium, Atlassian's <a href="">Developer Tools</a> were in full force throughout the event. The <a href="">Java Posse</a> gave Atlassian heaps of praise and the crowd gave a...

As part of it’s series of top products for 2008, ReadWriteWeb named Confluence to it’s list of Top 10 Enterprise...

This week we present Discover and Subscribe, part two in our three-part Confluence video series. In this episode, we begin...

Atlassian Confluence customer, OpenCloud, have done some amazing work with Confluence. For example, check out their developer portal, which takes...

Last week I listened to a great podcast titled Young at Heart: How to Be an Innovator for Life from...