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¡Hola, Barcelona! We’re stoked to be here on the ground for Team ‘24 Europe. Atlassian supports more than 120,000 customers...
Although this may not seem obvious at first, there are some important parallels between Apple’s iPhone and Confluence 3.0. “How...
Our friend The Build Doctor just launched an awesome contest! Submit your your best or worst build and/or deployment experience....
h3. Becoming agile. The first baby-step There are many ways to become agile. And many ways to fail horribly while...
Atlassian was named to the 2009 SDTimes 100 list in the Application Lifecycle Management category. It’s our third SDTimes 100...
With a sweet new UI designed to make <a href="">code review as easy as email</a>, the new beta of <a href="">Crucible 2 is packed with great features</a>. The most revolutionary of which is...
Atlassian t-shirts are a hot commodity. We’ve had customers email us for extras and pick them up at trade shows...
Studio now only $25 user for Developers (users with Source access), $10/user for Issues/Wiki users (Collaborators). Hosted Subversion is included,...
Still, distractions are inevitable, and problems that need a developer to help solve them will come up every day. A production system may run into trouble, another developer may need help with a hairy...
Last time, I talked about how <a href="">Fisheye 2 focuses on People and Teams</a> by raising the importance of developers and their activities within your development environment. Let's not forget that the most...
Video and slides from Summit 2009 are now available for all to see. Hear the product updates as they were...