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With Rewatch, Loom will help you run more efficient meetings by automating post-meeting follow-up

At Agile 2008, Atlassian partner, Pyxis Technologies will be demoing GreenHopper, GreenPepper, Jira and Confluence. The new release of GreenHopper...

Laura blogged about Balsamiq on the News Blog, but this is just too cool not to share here on Dev...

Viewing code coverage often provides enough insight into the cause of a failing test and is a cheap alternative to adding printlns or firing up the debugger.

Woohoo!. It’s 2006 all over again. Sort of. Atlassian was once again named to the prestigious SDTimes 100 list, which...

A few days ago, we rolled out a significant update to our hosted development tool, Jira Studio. First, we’ve upgrade...

We’re back with a fresh round of Atlassian User Groups, designed to help you meet customers, developers and discover more...

Got Jira? Got lots and lots of issues? Then you might be interested in learning about WANdisco’s solution for clustering...

When we implemented an internal Staff Directory using MIT’s Exhibit technology, we thought it would be fun to also track...

Someone recently delicioused Michael Ogawa’s code_swarm project. It provides neat little visualisations of all the commits to a source code...

Here’s a look back on some of the art of Atlassian, from tshirts to logos. The stuff shown here is...