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With Rewatch, Loom will help you run more efficient meetings by automating post-meeting follow-up

What’s a “static” plugin, as seen in the Plugin Repository in Confluence? What are the ways plugins can be upgraded?...

Company culture and transparency are two important aspects of Atlassian. That’s why we’d like to introduce you to various staff...

I must admit that while Charles was very excited to hear the announcement of the 20% time trial at Atlassian,...

We’re happy to announce the release of Bamboo 2.0, the latest version of our continuous integration server! This release introduces...

This is a guest blog by Ken Hudson, author of the forthcoming book The Idea Accelerator—How to solve problems faster...

We’re happy to announce that the first in our series of Atlassian User Groups will be held in the San...

Codegeist III just got better: we’ve added three new software license prizes to the contest. Many of the plugins for...

Sandy Kemsley’s third challenge to social media/enterprise 2.0 adoption in organizations: Having people immerse themselves in the creation and/or consumption...

The second challenge to social media/enterprise 2.0 adoption that Sandy Kemsley cites has to do with the names of these...

Who makes up the Atlassian staff? You’ve already met Donna, our support diva. Now meet Stewart, our Wiki Evangelist. Here’s...