Latest Articles

An update to customers, stakeholders, and shareholders on our mission to unleash the potential in every team.

In Facing up to Facebook (PDF), the UK Trades Union Congress offers some advice to HR staff regarding employee use...

For the last few weeks, Gianugo Rabellino with our Italian partner SourceSense, has been excitedly emailing us about some BIG...

Here at Atlassian, we make good use of Open Source products. Not just because we can re-use code, but often...

We’re proud to introduce the newest addition to the Atlassian product portfolio – Jira Studio. Jira Studio is a hosted...

Brian Solis writes about some of the resistance to blogging that he encounters from companies, and much of this applies...

Okay, I’ll admit it — I love playing World of Warcraft. Not that it’s an unusual thing to admit —...

We’re excited today to announce public availability of Enterprise Hosting for Jira and Confluence. Enterprise Hosting is a great way...

<blockquote>Before jumping out of a plane, it's good to know how well your parachute is packed.</blockquote>

I’d like to announce the latest version of the new Dynamic Task List 2 plugin for Confluence. This release features...

Anyone who thinks that unit testing is boring may be singing a different tune after they give Clover 2.0 a...