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An update to customers, stakeholders, and shareholders on our mission to unleash the potential in every team.

In Wiki is the new FAQ Dennis Howlett looks at the Wall Street Journal’s coverage of wiki use at SAP...

As a marketer, I like to think I understand the term Pragmatic Marketing, but it appears the folks at Splunk...

Christina Noren, VP Product Management at Splunk, recently wrote a blog post on Automating and opening up product planning. Their...

It’s National Constitution Day today in the USA, and for the second year in a row Atlassian is helping to...

Susan Worthy, my manager from a past job at ClearStory Systems, pinged me the other day regarding their development team’s...

If you’ve been watching the Jira Plugin Library like a hawk, this post will come as no surprise to you....

Some good news on the awards front. Atlassian won a 2007 SmartCompany Award on Friday night at an awards ceremony...

Atlassian developers have started to blog about their ShipIt Day projects. Last week, ShipIt VI took place; it’s a semi-regular...

How does a small organisation remain agile as it grows? One way is by adopting and building work practices around...

The Problem Many people have come to know and love Jira as an issue tracker for software development projects. What...