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¡Hola, Barcelona! We’re stoked to be here on the ground for Team ‘24 Europe. Atlassian supports more than 120,000 customers...
Thanks again to everyone who joined us in Santa Rosa for AtlasCamp (our three day developer-only conference) this past September....
A short time ago, in a galaxy not too far away, a group of talented but brash Developers were defeated by an enemy alliance forged from planets Tech Writing and Marketing. This epic battle...
With 3 offices around the world, we need tools to help us line up meetings across timezones. These are the free tools we've found most helpful.
Announcing Jira and Confluence training at Atlassian Summit! The three courses we're offering — Jira Fundamentals, Jira Administrators & Workflow, and Confluence Fundamentals — are $500 off at Summit.
So, everyone knows how Bamboo works brilliantly with Maven — it can build any Maven 1 or Maven 2 project...
As 2008 came to a close, I came across several really interesting articles about <a href="">peer code review</a>. Armed with the right information and <a href="">tools</a>, I think peer code review should be as...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 10:00 AM PST/18:00 GMT marks the next Plugin of the Month (POM) webinar with Chris Kohlhardt...
In time for the new year Hutch Carpenter and Jennifer Leggio introduced the 2009 Email Brevity Challenge. The rules are...
Via <a href="">Twitter</a> on the weekend I came across this <a href="">pastie</a> (see lines 259-274), supposedly containing the code for the Real-Time-Clock running on the 30GB Zune. A Code Coverage tool could have detected this...
Why the @#$% is Crowd so slow? Let’s back up a bit. So you have this awesome application that you...