Latest Articles

An update to customers, stakeholders, and shareholders on our mission to unleash the potential in every team.

We just knew that for us, eight months was far too much time between drinks. Following the advice of the Extreme Programmers, we decided to turn the knobs up to eleven and see what...

I’ll be spending the weekend at Northern Voice 2007, in Vancouver, billed as “Canada’s blogging conference.” Here’s how the organizers...

As Atlassian’s wiki evangelist, one of my main projects was launching and helping it grow into a worthwhile, valuable...

A lot of technical support work is basically pattern-matching, and memorizing. You see a stacktrace, remember vaguely having seen it...

“It’s a fine line between pleasure and pain”, so sang the Divinyls. I can’t quite remember what the song was...

In 2007, the US has planned a change to it’s daylight savings time schedule. This may cause problems with Java...

Today we officially released Bamboo 1.0, our server software that automates the process of continuously building, integrating and testing software...

Last Friday a code check-in was made that made Jira functional tests fail only in Standard and Professional editions. If...

The Bamboo team is proud to announce the launch of Bamboo 1.0, Atlassian’s Continuous Integration and Build Telemetry Server. After...

Internally we have started migrating most of our applications to use Crowd as a central location for authentication and authorization...