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An update to customers, stakeholders, and shareholders on our mission to unleash the potential in every team.

Being a good developer requires continual learning. Recently, Atlassian held the first session of Design Group. A study session on...

One of the tricky parts of introducing a wiki into an organisation is getting people in the habit of using it. Here's one way Atlassian promoted the wiki internally.

Running a large, public instance of Confluence can be a challenge in one respect: dealing with spam. Spammers are constantly...

For those of you maintaining a public Jira instance, who are suffering from the recent bout of comment spam.. I’ve...

The Sydney Morning Herald has just covered our Jira case study about Linden Lab, the company behind Second Life. Jira...

So I was working on the charting plugins new search request view popup where, when we popup the chart, we...

In my adventures with the new charting plugin search request view I discovered a nasty little bug yesterday. If you...

From left to right: Don, Sam, Dave, Matt, Chris, Tom, Charles, Agnes and Jens. Thanks to the guys from Tangosol...

Maven 1 has recently started to produce a lot of 301 errors (after attempting to download certain dependencies) when building...

Filing effective issues is incredibly important. Every product has a lot of issues in the database, and a lot more get filed every day. The more accurate detail is in each issue, the more...