Latest Articles

An update to customers, stakeholders, and shareholders on our mission to unleash the potential in every team.

Mike and I attended RecentChangeCamp this past weekend. It was great experience: we met some cool folks, participated in some...

Ever needed to know which thread was blocking another from executing? Then take a look at the thread dump! A...

Atlassian Software Systems today announced the release of Jira 3.5, the professional issue tracking and project management software application. Jira...

We’re planning two meetups for Atlassian developers in the near future: one in Sydney and one in San Francisco. This...

Help us spread the word about Atlassian Codegeist! While it may slightly lower your odds of winning first prize, you’ll...

Still, it's depressing sometimes, spending most of your time looking at your creation through a distorting lens that shows only its flaws. It's very easy to forget that the reason people are reporting problems,...

Many have <a href="">asked</a>, and we have answered: we've moved <i><b>all</b></i> of the bundled Confluence macros into the <a href="">DevNet Subversion Repository</a> for your hacking pleasure

Just a quick note to plugin developers: don’t forget to submit the plugins you’re working on now to Codegeist. You...

Win up to $5,000; 8 weeks to build the coolest plugin That’s right, people. It’s time to show us your...

Atlassian Software Systems announced their first annual “Codegeist” plugin competition. $10,000 USD will be given away in prize money. The...