Latest Articles

An update to customers, stakeholders, and shareholders on our mission to unleash the potential in every team.

Eric Sink has a great post about the <a href="">realities of fixing bugs.</a> Bottom line: every bug has both a benefit and a cost, and you'd best make sure that the benefit of fixing...

Non-profit Mercy Ships, located in Garden Valley, Texas, uses hospital ships to deliver free world-class health care services to the...

The <a href="">Confluence User Guide</a> has been updated to cover all the changes we made in Confluence 2.0.

Confluence 2.0 contains over 200 improvements including the industry’s most comprehensive round-trip WYSIWYG editor, a highly requested labelling capability and...

There's a rule that says every time you demonstrate your product in public, you're going to find at least one new bug. At least we only have to worry about the software crashing.

Jira 3.4, the latest release of the award winning issue tracker, delivers over 120 individual improvements driven by extensive customer...

If only all support issues were this easy. As a quick background, a customer is having some database connection issues....

We have a very generous community of people around Jira &Confluence who have been willing to share their development efforts...

<a href="">David Petersen</a> just contributed a great new plugin for <a href="">Confluence:</a> the <a href="">Chart Plugin.</a>