Latest Articles

An update to customers, stakeholders, and shareholders on our mission to unleash the potential in every team.

In close succession to our own investigative bug analysis Wired have recently published an article entitled ‘History’s Worst Software Bugs’...

<a href="">Charles</a> just put up <a href="">Confluence 2.0-RC2</a>.

<a href="">Source code</a> and info for the <a href="">Wiki Exporter.</a>

Unfortunately, there's no Jira resolution for "Released back into the wild"

For those interested, I knocked up a very simple (yet very useful!) new plugin module for Jira 3.4 during the...

And every time any of his co-workers went to a meeting, they each created an issue with a one-line description of the meeting and logged how much time the meeting took -- every participant,...

I've just created a new page in the <a href="">Atlassian Developer Network</a> called the <a href="">Plugin Wishlist.</a>

So what inspired the progression from Confluence 1.4 to 2.0? The glib answer, of course, is marketing. And like most glib answers it's both correct, and entirely unhelpful.

One thing we've been trying to do with the labeling feature in Confluence 2.0 is make adding labels as frictionless as possible.

I'm camping out with the Atlassian development team in Sydney for two weeks. This is my first report from the field.