Latest Articles

An update to customers, stakeholders, and shareholders on our mission to unleash the potential in every team.

As the first of a series of customer interviews, I had the pleasure of interviewing one of our favourite customers,...

In a bizarre twist of fate, we have managed to release a beta version of our documentation before our beta...

Jira 2.1 is nearing completion and will be released in beta next week. It is a very exciting release, the...

Jira 2.1 is nearing completion, we’re hoping to have a beta out early next week. This announcement is just to...

Chris Winters has written a “good review of his experiences”: using Jira on his “weblog”: : _So after submitting an...

We have finally stopped adding features to Jira 2 and today we’re shipping the first Release Candidate! It’s an exciting...

Today we put up Release 6, the next release in the Jira 2 Early Access Program. This release contains bug...

Today we put up Release 4, the next release in the Jira 2 Early Access Program. This is a very...

Announcing Release 2, the next release in the Jira 2 Early Access Program. What’s New? Release 2 includes a number...

Today sees the launch of the Jira 2 Early Access Program. This will give our users access to successive Jira...