Latest Articles

From the CEO We closed out Q2 with a real sense of momentum across Atlassian. Our long-term strategy, investments, and...

We have a very generous community of people around Jira &Confluence who have been willing to share their development efforts...

<a href="">David Petersen</a> just contributed a great new plugin for <a href="">Confluence:</a> the <a href="">Chart Plugin.</a>

In close succession to our own investigative bug analysis Wired have recently published an article entitled ‘History’s Worst Software Bugs’...

<a href="">Charles</a> just put up <a href="">Confluence 2.0-RC2</a>.

<a href="">Source code</a> and info for the <a href="">Wiki Exporter.</a>

Unfortunately, there's no Jira resolution for "Released back into the wild"

For those interested, I knocked up a very simple (yet very useful!) new plugin module for Jira 3.4 during the...

And every time any of his co-workers went to a meeting, they each created an issue with a one-line description of the meeting and logged how much time the meeting took -- every participant,...

I've just created a new page in the <a href="">Atlassian Developer Network</a> called the <a href="">Plugin Wishlist.</a>