The 15 best productivity apps to get you through your day

The 15 best productivity apps to get you through your day

Endless scrolling.

Just like with social media, this is most likely your experience exploring the world of productivity apps available for download. From remembering due dates to your to-dos, there’s an abundance of project management resources for the productivity lover (or aspirer) out there to try. Storage apps like Google Drive and Dropbox are useful,  but when it comes to your to-do list, you need productivity apps.

Getting overwhelmed can be quite easy for anyone, let alone someone who’s new to the scene. But the payoff of discovering a new productivity app that works can be well worth it.

So, I wanted to share my love for productivity apps with some suggestions that I use across my day and cover on my YouTube channel.

Productivity Apps For The Morning

Starting the day normally consists of reviewing my to-do list after a spot of meditation. 

meditating in the morning to be more productive

Trello and Todoist are my go-to personal task management and project management apps. These project management software packages offer a free app and have a free version. Of course, there are also paid plans for added features and benefits.

These apps make my productivity so much better. A quick 5-10 minute overview at the start of the day allows me to manage the most important tasks I need to tackle.

Key features that I enjoy inside of Todoist and Trello are their offline functionality, which allows me to work without connection anytime—a saving grace living in rural England.

Trello’s built-in visual approach (that reminds me of social media) makes it perfect for checking in on mobile while out and about!

Other features, like Todoist’s smart schedule (which is AI-powered) and Trello Card Snooze, help organize any overdue tasks that I want to complete in the week but need to find the time for.

Conquering morning emails is important to my daily routine.

Newton* comes to the rescue here. It’s a great option because Newton aggregates all of my email clients in one place, which helps my productivity with all the remote work roles I’m holding at the moment. The range of features allows me to send emails with email tracking abilities, which is perfect for checking whether the email has been read by the recipient.

Another bonus is being able to clip any work related tasks or notes to Trello using the plugin.

Productivity Resources To Power Through The Day

As I start work, my productivity is pretty high. One way I manage this is by making sure I know the time zone for all of the people I’m working with. It helps me organize the projects I’m collaborating on in the right order.

I use an app called to keep an eye on the time. Working with teams in India, the US, and Germany forces me to keep an eye on workday schedules around the world.

After a quick check of Timezone, I’ll jump into my day-to-day work. There are a host of resources I use throughout the day for various situations that I’d recommend to any like-minded productivity fan:

Winding Down In A Productive Way

As we all know, zoning out on social media won’t help your productivity. There are other apps that I use to take a break, have some quiet time, and keep up on important news during my downtime and commutes:

Find Your Purpose With The Help Of Productivity Apps

I love to use all of these productivity apps and resources throughout my day. Your lineup might be different, but the most important thing is to regularly review how you’re using them in your daily routine to make sure they are still helping you reach your goals.

In my case, these productivity apps help me productively manage my life as a student, aspiring YouTuber, and remote worker for a few awesome startups.

Do you use other productivity tools? What does your productivity app lineup look like? Let us know by reaching out on Twitter @trello.

Next: How To Be Your Most Productive Self: Let Go Of Being Perfect

*The author is professionally affiliated with the apps Newton and Blinkist.

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