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Bringing this time-honored team tradition into the virtual world is easier than you might think. Here are a few pointers.

To celebrate the software that you've poured your heart and soul into, we're launching #BuiltWithBitbucket. This is your chance to strut your stuff in front of the entire Atlassian user base of over 5...

$48,500. That was the PricewaterhouseCoopers salary that I turned down in 2002 to start Atlassian with Mike Cannon-Brookes. There was...

Our 7th annual user conference is back and larger than ever. Whether you're an admin, developer, product manager, or passionate user, Atlassian Summit is a must-attend event. Still on the fence? Check out the...

Anyone who works in support will agree: it feels like the dev team isn't exactly on your side. One of the biggest frustrations in support is when a problem can’t be solved because the...

Sometimes, it's easier to make a decision asynchronously. And for that, there's no place better than Confluence. The Decisions Blueprint provides a simple, repeatable process for making decisions asynchronously with your team and recording...