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Bringing this time-honored team tradition into the virtual world is easier than you might think. Here are a few pointers.

The IT world you know and love exists primarily today thanks to the bedrock of the IT community: ITIL - the IT Infrastructure Library. Initially published between 1989-1996, ITIL has grown to more than...

This post will go over a practical use case scenario that combines the power of Docker containers with Bamboo's strong Docker features for building and deploying a web application -- just one of the...

Every product release requires a lot of hard work and a ton of coordination between individuals and teams. In some...

Software teams have long benefitted from using a smoke test to quickly validate a new software build. The smoke test is designed to verify basic functionality and the most common problems that appear in...

As software makers, we rely heavily on sprint retrospectives and demos to learn more about what's going on with our team and our products. Read on to see how to build pages that record...