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Bringing this time-honored team tradition into the virtual world is easier than you might think. Here are a few pointers.

Confluence has a simple mission: to be the one place where you organize, create, and discuss work with your team. You can centralize (and organize) all your work in a single place accessible by...

Data Center is all about performance at scale. Jira Portfolio is all about agile at scale. And now we've combined the power of both -- Jira Portfolio is now Jira Data Center compatible! So if...

Trends like continuous delivery and microservice-based architectures are the reason SaaS darlings like Netflix and Etsy ship improvements to their customers 20 or more times a day. Talk about efficiency! And with the help...

This post is part of our collection on product management. Learn best practices and get advice from Atlassian’s product managers...

Our crash course in the basics of using Confluence started off with organizing your work in spaces. Next came creating content with...