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Bringing this time-honored team tradition into the virtual world is easier than you might think. Here are a few pointers.

This April, Tempo released Tempo Books, a modern and flexible professional services solution on top of Jira. Tempo Books for Jira is built on years of experience and customer feedback. As a result, our...

At Atlassian, we pride ourselves on building great products. We rely on our fantastic product managers and product owners to...

You’ve been working through an issue all morning and you suddenly realize you forgot to log the time you started. Oops. If you’re like a lot of people who can’t even remember what they...

Long-term planning and agile: is it really possible? Even when using an agile approach, there’s still a need to forecast...

Together, Jira and Hipchat eliminate shoulder tapping while ensuring that agile teams can collaborate and communicate in real-time. Team members get the information they want, when and where they want it. Does it get...