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Bringing this time-honored team tradition into the virtual world is easier than you might think. Here are a few pointers.

If your project in Jira Software is your one-stop shop for everything JIRA-related, then your project space in Confluence is your go-to place for everything else: requirements, retrospectives, meeting notes, and more. Here are 3...

This is a guest blog post by Holger Just from, the creators of Planio for Bitbucket Cloud. It’s generally...

In a DevOps world, work is often merged to master multiple times a day, but it’s not always easy to know when changes ship. Developers have full control over deploying their changes to customers...

If you’re a Hipchat newbie, welcome! We’re super content to have you aboard. Hipchat is easy to use and set up, so don’t worry about reading tons of boring instructions. Just do these three...

Agile software development supports a release plan, but it's challenging to coordinate that on a multi-team level when you've got a lot of dependencies between teams. Rosetta Stone, a language learning technology company, found...