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Bringing this time-honored team tradition into the virtual world is easier than you might think. Here are a few pointers.

Using both Jira Software and Portfolio for Jira, teams can see whether the day-to-day work they're doing maps directly to the company's overall strategy. But people often ask me "well, what happens in Portfolio...

Preparations are well underway for Atlassian Summit 2016, our annual user conference. Our call for speakers is currently open, and we're excited to welcome speakers with a range of experience and subject matter expertise...

Back in January we introduced smart mirroring for Bitbucket Data Center to help distributed teams by reducing clone times (as...

I wish I could say we started with grand plans to revolutionize our company culture, but in all honesty, we simply wanted to share funny stuff without sending an email blast. So, we tried...

Pull requests provide a lightweight way to do peer code reviews and merges as part of a branch-based development workflow....