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Bringing this time-honored team tradition into the virtual world is easier than you might think. Here are a few pointers.

Since the launch of Jira Software, we’ve added some features to make the lives of every software team member easier. But you might not know these features exist! Read on to learn how these...

We recently conducted a survey to assess and evaluate the latest software development trends amongst our customer base and more than 1,300 people weighed in. While most of our insights are focused on process,...

Despite the myriad advances in workplace technology, we're still forming teams the old fashioned way. We pour over org charts. We obsess about bringing the right blend of skills and view points to the...

Recently I had the chance to meet the team over at CloudCannon and discuss how they develop their application using Bitbucket and Docker. They've faced challenges many other small teams are dealing with in...

How often has this happened to you: you see an error message and you’re not sure which part of the...