The best software development tools aid you in your development and stay out of your way as much as possible. They also provide all the context you need to get work done, removing the need to switch between tools to work out what’s going on or what to do next. Sourcetree is built to aid those new to distributed version control, like Git and Mercurial, as well as to provide advanced users a visual interface from which to work with their repositories. Today we’re providing greater awareness into your builds with the beta of our integration with Bitbucket Pipelines. Now build statuses appear in Sourcetree for macOS, giving you greater context and confidence in the quality of your code.

It’s a first for any Git or Mercurial client and we’re excited to share the fruits of our labor.

Build status at your fingertips

With modern software development practices, like CI/CD or DevOps where everyone is responsible for code quality, it’s important that information is easily accessible to everyone. Bitbucket Pipelines empowers these teams to build, test, and deploy their code directly within Bitbucket Cloud, and it was a natural fit to bring that all important information into Sourcetree for macOS. We’ve removed the context switch or two away from your workflow to see a build’s status within Bitbucket Cloud’s UI, and brought it from right where you commit.

And best of all, Sourcetree utilizes notifications in macOS to update you when a build finishes, so it’s really one and done when you push a commit.

Sourcetree for macOS not only provides the same at-a-glance information about the most recent status and runs in your commit graph, but it also allows you to peek into details for any of the runs associated with that commit. You only need to visit Bitbucket Cloud to dive into the specific logs for a run, and even that’s just a simple click away.

Get started today

The Pipelines integration for Sourcetree for macOS is in beta today, and will slowly roll out to users in the next release in a few weeks’ time. We’re excited to help you improve the quality of your code and add vital context to your workflow. Download the beta, give the integration a try and let us know what you think!


Build status within Sourcetree for macOS