Throughout the past year we listened carefully to all our Windows users and we’re excited to bring you the two most highly requested features in 2019! In this post we’ll take a sneak peek and provide visibility into what you can expect soon.
Dark theme
Our top request for Sourcetree for Windows is a “non retina burning” dark theme to better blend in with other developer tools. This became more acute when we debuted a dark theme in Sourcetree 2.6 for Mac over a year ago to much acclaim.
As you can see in the following demo, now every part of the Sourcetree for Windows UI is now rendered in cooler colors and the icons are appropriately swapped with either inverse colors or a cooler palette overall. Currently we’re iterating on the final colors, adding in appropriate settings, and overall polish.

Repositories sidebar/split view
In the 2.0 release for Windows we simplified the UI complexity for both design and performance improvements based on app usage and user feedback. Part of that included replacing the sidebar – which contained a nested list of local repositories, provided an overview of their status, and provided quick access by mouse or keyboard – with what we call the “new tab experience.”
While well received in general we heard from some that they weren’t able to be as efficient with this new navigational experience. Since then the ticket for its return become our second highest Windows request. For many it remains a reason to stick with the last 1.9 release due to the potential for disruption.
Empowering our users and ensuring they have a pleasant development experience remains our foremost priority. To achieve that we explored many different options while working in hand in hand with our passionate users and we’re excited to share the results of that effort.

Coming soon
These aren’t just shiny demos though. While we don’t have a specific ETA to share right now for either of the features it’s safe to say you’ll see them released during the first half of 2019. We’ve already started sharing betas for the sidebar with our friends in the Sourcetree Beta Program to gather feedback and we’d appreciate yours too.