There’s more to a chief information officer (CIO) than meets the eye. Sure, they’re part of a company’s senior leadership team, but they’re also part of IT. That means they’re concerned about security and how it ties into the C-suite concerns at their company.

While CIOs have to balance their company’s security concerns with business priorities, it doesn’t need to be a juggling act. With Trello Enterprise, CIOs can give their company a secure work solution that also drives essential business initiatives.

1. Foster Meaningful Collaboration For A Hybrid Workforce

The demand for flexible work existed long before a global pandemic forced companies to shift to remote work models. Employees want options when it comes to where they work—be it at home, in the office, or on the go—and they’re willing to quit their job for the promise of flexibility elsewhere.

The trouble is, remote work poses legitimate security risks that probably keep you, as a technology leader, up at night. You’re not alone. Companies across the globe struggle to find the right balance between security and flexibility for their remote employees. How do you keep your network and solutions secure while still empowering your employees to connect and collaborate from anywhere?

You leverage secure, enterprise-level solutions like Trello Enterprise to get there.

Companies across the globe struggle to find the right balance between security and flexibility for their remote employees.

Using Atlassian-backed SAML single sign-on (SSO), Trello authenticates your employees through your existing identity provider. Employees enjoy the ease of using a single set of login credentials, while your IT team rests assured that only authorized users can access important workspaces.

Having their virtual workspaces one login away helps teams access work wherever they are, allowing them to prioritize important work and deliver projects on schedule. Teams can centralize key resources by attaching them to relevant cards and easily view task statuses and updates.

Most importantly, teams can collaborate when it works best for them—in real time or asynchronously. Swap meetings for tagged conversations, propose new ideas, or align on current tasks; members can weigh in when they have a moment, allowing them to better prioritize individual work that ultimately benefits the team.

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2. Encourage Cross-Team Participation Through Shared Resources

Whether teams work remotely, in an office, or both, access to information remains essential for getting work done. But while a significant number of companies (75%) say that sharing and preserving knowledge is crucial to their success, only 9% admit they have the means to do so.

Trello’s shared workspaces give teams a place where they can compile, post, and share important information that members can easily search and access. Having information centralized in one location, as opposed to spread across multiple tools, cuts down on the amount of time employees spend looking for the information they need to do their jobs.

While a significant number of companies (75%) say that sharing and preserving knowledge is crucial to their success, only 9% admit they have the means to do so.

Making boards visible within the company also makes it easy for various teams to share information with one another. So if marketing needs to confirm the date for an upcoming software release, they can quickly peek at the software team’s release schedule rather than wait on an answer via email or Slack. Sharing resources also saves employees the estimated six hours a week that’s often wasted on duplicating work that already exists elsewhere.

Ready access to information helps teams get work done, but is having all that information in one place safe? Absolutely. Trello also handles the heavy lifting when it comes to data encryption. Whether your teams use their workspaces to tackle company finances, track customer accounts, or collaborate on upcoming product releases, that data is encrypted at rest and in transit with intrusion detection measures in place 24/7.

3. Centralize Permissions Management And User Access

This may come as a shock, but there are companies out there that can’t put a finger on how much access their employees have to sensitive information. Networks and solutions can lack the visibility necessary for IT teams to easily manage access, making it difficult to identify data breach risks.

Tech leaders know access visibility is crucial. It’s why a large majority (75%) rank centralized access and permissions a top priority when it comes to managing solutions. As this demand increases, some solutions have moved toward a dashboard experience, or a central location where admins can easily access important tools and data sets.

Trello Enterprise has your IT leaders covered with the Enterprise Admin Dashboard.

With the Enterprise Admin Dashboard, your leaders can easily manage user and team permissions and user access from the same hub. Here are some highlights:

  • Bulk deactivate/reactivate users: You always have the option to individually deactivate and reactivate users, but managing user access status in bulk saves your team time.
  • Upgrade users to admin status: Want to expand your admin circle? Quickly upgrade behind-the-scenes access for other members of the IT team.
  • Board visibility: Trello takes privacy seriously, which is why you have control over whether your teams can create public-facing, team-only, or company-wide boards. Want to lock down public views? On it. As an admin, you can remove the option entirely so your teams can’t accidentally make sensitive company information public.
  • Board deletion permissions: Boards contain valuable work information, so it might make sense to limit team members’ and admins’ ability to delete workspaces.
  • Board invite restrictions: Give or limit a team admin’s ability to invite users to their team’s board.

By centralizing your permissions, you empower your IT team to not only work smarter but also keep the solution secure. Having permissions all in one place also saves your team from sorting through solutions for various setting menus, giving them important time back to focus on more important tech concerns.

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4. Improve Digital Adoption Across The Entire Company

Digital transformations aren’t easy. In fact, research shows that less than 30% succeed. Whether it’s a lack of communication from leadership or uncertainty regarding how to implement a digital change, companies continue to fall short of their change goals.

While technology leaders agree that companies must speed up their digital transformation or face losing ground to competitors, how do you strike the right balance between urgency and security?

Consider the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent research reveals that the pandemic forced companies to speed up their digital transformation, accomplishing in months what was projected to take an average of six years. It busted common roadblocks, like executive approval, lack of strategy, and reluctance to replace legacy software.

The pandemic forced companies to speed up their digital transformation, accomplishing in months what was projected to take an average of six years.

When it came to supporting transformation, namely tools and processes that supported employees as they moved to remote work, companies with the infrastructure in place made the transition more securely. Others struggled to address the security gaps left in the transition’s wake.

So how do you prepare your company to navigate transformation securely? McKinsey suggests that giving day-to-day tools a digital upgrade can help a company move the needle toward digital transformation. But that means getting reluctant employees to adopt and use those new, secure tools.

Training helps employees use tools as designed, or to their full potential. Yet there are other hallmarks that aid digital adoption. Take Trello Enterprise, for example. With its intuitive design, employees learn the ropes as they work. Team Playbooks help teams across your company spin up their workspaces with suggested templates and workflows, empowering them to hit the ground running.

But it’s Trello’s level of workflow customization that positions the solution to potentially replace several department-specific tools, saving your company (and IT team) time and money in maintenance.

5. Deliver A Work Experience That Empowers Your Employees

The employee work experience has gone digital, and for good reason. Digital tools allow employees to connect whether in the office or remote and access and shared information they need to do their jobs. Digital tools also echo a user experience that’s familiar for employees.

“Today’s employee wants social, mobile, smart, and connected technologies, just like the ones that they use every single day outside of work,” says Jody Kohner, SVP of employee marketing and engagement at Salesforce. “They want [solutions] to help them work more efficiently and effectively in their work life the same way they do in their personal life.”

This is especially true of the digital native workforce, who expect their work solutions to be flexible and customizable. And if solutions don’t offer employees the work experience they expect, they’ll seek out the right-fit solutions on their own. This presents real financial and security risks.

“Today’s employee wants social, mobile, smart, and connected technologies, just like the ones that they use every single day outside of work.” — Jody Kohner, SVP of Employee Marketing and Engagement, Salesforce

Trello Enterprise delivers a secure, digital, and fully customizable work experience that empowers employees to tackle their day-to-day work wherever they’re located. They can collaborate in team workspaces or design workflows to help them conquer their individual work—whatever their need, Trello supports it.

For teams, Trello Enterprise is a huge win. They can fully customize their workspace (and workflows) so it’s unique to how they get work done. Automations (Butler) help teams reduce repetitive tasks, while access to unlimited Power-Ups like Slack, Mailchimp, and Salesforce empower teams across your company to build a solution that fits their needs. And don’t worry—from their Enterprise Admin Dashboard, your IT team can vet and approve integration apps and file-sharing methods available to your company.

Find Your Balance

The future of work is evolving. More and more solutions strive to meet the needs of the hybrid workforce and rapidly evolving technology. For CIOs, it’s encouraging. Solutions will continue to proactively seek the balance between security concerns and business value.

Find your balance in Trello Enterprise. Reach out to the Trello Enterprise team for a custom demo, or check out the on-demand webinar.

5 ways Trello enterprise helps cios drive business growth while staying secure