Trello vs. clickup: for faster ramp-up and easy configuration, the choice is clear

Trello vs. clickup: for faster ramp-up and easy configuration, the choice is clear

It seems like there’s a new project management software tool or a novel productivity mobile app released every day. But new isn’t always better. You don’t want the newest collaboration tool; you want the best. Two options you may be considering are Trello and ClickUp.

Trello Enterprise is a straightforward and easy-to-use work and project management tool. Trello’s user-friendly environment is not only a favorite among small teams but also for large corporations. Don’t just take our word for it: 80% of Fortune 500 companies use Trello for collaboration.

ClickUp is a more complex platform that may provide additional advanced functionality that some teams would find handy. However, the extra features may create a tradeoff in the form of additional expense and ramp-up time that could lead to a delayed return on investment (ROI) for some enterprises.

Let’s take a look at Trello vs. ClickUp and discuss the four ways Trello Enterprise may be able to provide your company with a faster ROI.

1. Quick and easy setup time

Whether you’re using a free or Enterprise plan, Trello is one of the most user-friendly work management tools users can adopt. ClickUp’s start-up process is slightly more complicated.

Trello setup

ClickUp setup

Considering all the factors of product onboarding and implementation, Trello’s simple Kanban boards, task management, natural UX, and drag-and-drop workflow make it inherently easier to use.

2. Unlimited automation

Automation can be a big time saver if you can configure it properly.

Trello Enterprise has a built-in feature, Butler Automation, that helps users not only figure out how to automate tasks, but also which tasks to automate. Butler detects real-time repetitive actions team members make on a Workspace board and suggests one-click automations based on those actions.

Trello’s Butler Automation lets you create rules, buttons, and commands to automate workflow actions.

ClickUp strives to be the “one app to replace them all.” It offers more advanced automation and extensive customization capabilities, but it does require a lengthier time investment to set up.

Trello automation

ClickUp automation

Automation in Trello essentially only requires two bits of information: A trigger (which activates the process) and an action (which happens following the trigger). Setting up Trello Enterprise automation with Butler is easy and doesn’t require any coding or software programming knowledge.

3. 200+ Trello Power-Ups that overpower ClickUp’s integrations

Most integrations do just that: Integrate services. With Trello Enterprise’s Power-Ups, users get much more than just compatible tools. Some Power-Ups, like Voting or Card Repeater, provide more advanced functionality within their board features. shows that Trello is compatible with nearly five times as many integrations as ClickUp.

Trello Power-Ups

ClickUp integrations

“Integration” may be a more recognizable buzzword, but it doesn’t fully capture the potential of what your team can do with Trello Enterprise’s “Power-Ups.”

4. User provisioning and SSO to secure accounts

User provisioning and single sign-on (SSO) are not only more convenient for team members but also lessen security risks for companies. Both Trello and ClickUp offer SSO, but with some significant differences.

Trello security

ClickUp security

When users are finished working within a Trello Workspace, they’re not logged out—which is convenient. However, they will be required to follow any security requirements from your company’s authentication policy upon their next login—which is secure. Trello provides the best of both worlds.

Do what you do best with Trello

Trello is one of many products—along with Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, and more—in the Atlassian family of best-in-breed tools. Trello is just part of a whole, rich ecosystem of software that allows teams of all sizes to work together, even when they work differently.

When it comes to Trello vs. ClickUp, Trello Enterprise isn’t designed to be everything to everyone—but it is designed to be the best at what it does. The Trello team is happy to provide your business with a simple yet sophisticated platform for all your work management and team collaboration needs. And if there’s another functionality you require from a product outside of Trello, check out Atlassian’s entire lineup.

Ready to join tens of millions of users around the world? Contact Trello for a demo today and get a faster return on your workflow investment.

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