Are you part of the 78% of workers expected to attend so many meetings that it’s hard to get your work done? With the majority of teams no longer co-located — aka spread out across time zones and locations, even when working from the office — having a flexible way to share information, get alignment, and deliver feedback is critical.

Video messaging is an underutilized way for teams across all departments and company sizes to collaborate and communicate. It can seem intimidating to record your camera or screen and talk through a question or problem at first, but there are simple ways to start building video communication habits into your daily workflows and systems of record, like Confluence.

Loom videos and Confluence: A powerful partnership for productivity

It can be easy to misinterpret writing. We’ve certainly all misunderstood a comment or question on a doc. Rather than getting trapped in back-and-forth messages, Loom allows you to add more context to work in Confluence by recording both yourself and your screen with one click. 

Adding short video explainers to your Confluence pages and comments is helpful for everything from design reviews, walkthroughs, internal process guidelines, SOPs, and many other types of collaborative work. Recording a Loom video message lets you communicate naturally, with emotion and nuance that written documentation can lack.

Here are some everyday project examples where Loom increases, streamlines, and supports productivity: 

Team management and alignment

In a fully or partially remote distributed work setting without regular in-person face time, video makes a huge difference. It’s a way for team members to speak directly to each other like they would if they were in the same room. This makes communication feel more genuine, clear, and, ultimately, more human than words written in an email, document, or Slack message. Videos can convey tone, context, and personality better than written updates, creating more understanding, familiarity, and trust.

The impact of video on team connection was put to the test in an Atlassian experiment. In the experiment, 44 managers gave two weekly updates to over 300 direct reports. Half the updates were written, and the other half were Loom video recordings. The results showed that the team members who received video updates felt twice as connected to their managers than those who received written updates.

Onboarding and training 

Bringing new members of a team up to speed quickly is critical to fully prepare and support them to do their best work. The process can feel overwhelming for both the trainer and the trainee. Centralizing all the resources, tutorials, guides, and materials new team members need into a Confluence space is a great start. Adding Loom videos into onboarding pages enhances the entire process dramatically.

By embedding Loom videos directly within Confluence pages, new employees can access a rich multimedia onboarding experience. With video, they can watch their new colleagues speak about company culture and present screen recordings to demonstrate the steps of a process or how to use internal tools. 

This approach presents all the information in an easily digestible way instead of requiring that new employees wade through dense, text-based documents. Everyone can revisit these videos whenever they need a refresher, ensuring consistent and effective knowledge transfer.

Additional tip: Loom AI can write your documentation and SOPs instantly from a video walkthrough. 

Project and status updates on your own time

Instead of coordinating schedules and setting aside time to go over everyone’s individual updates in a meeting, teams can record and share them with Loom. Team members can embed these videos within relevant Confluence pages to keep all stakeholders up to date. This allows everyone to view updates at their convenience, enabling a more flexible work environment and increased productivity. Even more, Loom recordings let viewers react with emojis, comments, or even their own recordings directly on the video timeline creating an interactive sense of engagement and connection.

Comprehensive hub for design reviews

Embedding video in pages alongside actual design files, additional resources, and relevant documentation creates one holistic view. This provides designers with all the context and resources necessary to both present and review projects. With Loom, designers can record walkthroughs of their work, including detailed explanations that are much easier and quicker to convey in video than in text. 

This setup streamlines the design review process by consolidating necessary information and allowing collaborators to leave feedback in the form of comments or videos, all in one place. This integrated approach ensures that design reviews are thorough, collaborative, and actionable.

Try Loom today

Maximize the impact of Confluence with video recording and collaboration by trying Loom for free!

Pro tips for using Confluence and Loom together