Try the Zettelkasten method to manage information overload

Try the Zettelkasten method to manage information overload

All day, every day, we’re inundated with ideas: facts, figures, notions, new books, new shows, health tips, dad jokes. They’re born from the article we skimmed while sipping our morning coffee; the podcast episode we listened to at the gym; the nugget of wisdom we pulled from a fortune cookie. 

It’s a neverending avalanche of input, and while you might jot down the occasional hard-hitting factoid into a random note on your phone, you probably don’t have a polished system to store that information – let alone connect the dots between disparate facts, form new ideas, and retain what you learn.

The Zettelkasten method is an approach to note-taking that tames the firehose of information overload into something way more powerful: knowledge.

What is the Zettelkasten method?

The Zettelkasten method was invented by Niklas Luhmann, a German sociologist, in the 1950s. Luhmann published over 50 books and hundreds of academic articles over the course of his career, and credited his prolific productivity to his notetaking system, dubbed the Zettelkasten method.

Zettelkasten is a German word that loosely translates to “note box” or “slip box,” both fitting names for Luhmann’s simple system. He used a crate or a box (a kasten) to store an ever-growing collection of index cards (zettels). 

Each index card contained a single note or idea, with a few other rules that Luhmann always followed when jotting things down:

Luhmann also developed a couple of different types of notes to log information:

At the end of each day, Luhmann would review his fleeting and literature notes, decide which tidbits were worth keeping, and then translate them into permanent notes and file them into his kasten.

Using Zettelkasten to manage chaos and make connections

Sounds simple enough, right? But the real power of the Zettelkasten method comes from its ability to form connections between seemingly discordant pieces of information – to go beyond committing random factoids and details to memory to see the whole picture.

Luhmann did that with a numbering system. He didn’t attempt to categorize and file notes based on topic (doing so would limit his understanding to a set discipline, after all) and instead assigned each card a fixed number.

As he collected more notes, he was able to “link” thoughts together by expanding on the numbering system. Card 1/1 contained the original note or idea. Card 1/1a built on the original note. Card 1/1b did too. Card 1/1b1 referred to an idea from card 1/1b, and so on.

That super analog numbering system might make your eyes glaze over now, but you don’t have to do it exactly this way (we’ll dig into this a little later). Basically, think of it as linking before linking was a thing. What Luhmann did was essentially build his own Wikipedia – a reference database that could efficiently direct him to other relevant information. 

How does the Zettelkasten method work in the digital age?

Most of us aren’t going to thumb through drawers full of index cards when we need to recall a relevant nugget of wisdom. 

So how exactly does the Zettelkasten method work in the 21st century? The basic principles still hold true, even if you aren’t using pen and paper. Here’s a quick and simple overview of how to apply the Zettelkasten method for your own knowledge management system.

1. Choose your method

Do you want to create a huge spreadsheet? Use the notes app on your phone? Spin up a Trello board? Set up a running Confluence document? You don’t need to look for a fancy Zettelkasten method app –there are plenty of digital solutions you’re already using that could do the trick for storing and linking your ideas. 

2. Start writing notes on the go

Remember, creating a Zettelkasten isn’t about designating specific topics, folders, or other limiting constraints. This isn’t your typical “here’s the folder for blog post ideas” and “here’s where we’ll collect website inspiration” approach. 

Instead, stay open and collect information as it piques your interest. That’s it. When you find something, write it down – in your own words and including the original source. 

3. Review your notes

If you recall from our original explainer, any inputs will be logged as one of two different types of notes: fleeting notes and literature notes. Then it’s up to you to review those, transfer them to permanent notes, and add them to your Zettelkasten.

Keep in mind that your permanent note will be more complete and should include a(n):

4. Create your identification system

Let’s talk a little more about coming up with an identifier, as this is the piece of the Zettelkasten method that can feel the most daunting or confusing. 

Remember the reason that Luhmann used his numbering system in the first place: to connect pieces of information to each other so he could easily and efficiently find related ideas. That’s it. You want your system to help you do that same thing.

Ultimately, you need to think not about how you want to store the information, but how you’ll recall the information. That doesn’t have to involve a series of numbers and digits if that doesn’t mesh well with your brain. And it doesn’t require Zettelkasten software either. For example, you could use something like: 

5. Continue taking notes

Your Zettelkasten isn’t something that you create once. Much like your own brain, it’s a living, ever-evolving thing. So once you have the basics set up, commit to to adding to it. 

As you create more permanent notes and link them to others, you’ll not only build a bigger Zettelkasten – you’ll build more knowledge. 

What are the benefits of the Zettelkasten method? 

The Zettelkasten method is probably more involved than your current “system,” whatever it may be. And while creating your own Zettelkasten might have a little bit of a learning curve, it’s well worth it in exchange for the benefits it offers.

Less information overload and more lightbulb moments

Every single day, you pick up on facts, ideas, experiences, and lessons. Ideally, those all come together and shape your understanding of not just a specific topic, but the whole world.

If you truly want to benefit from the avalanche of information around you, you need to retain those nuggets – facts, ideas, and lessons learned – and connect them to each other in order to form new ideas and conclusions for yourself. 

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