Make time for deep work
Carve out uninterrupted time to get in the zone. This is harder than you might think.
On average, workers spend:

Teamwork tips

It’s simple math
(Time) x (Intensity of Focus)
= Quality Work Produced
It's known as "deep work."

Block off time
Section off calendar time for deep work, and protect it.

Know where you work best
76% of people
avoid the office when they need to get important work done.
Just say NO (to time-sucks)
Checking email and attending meetings is part of being an engaged team member, but
These activities are eating up too much time:

Teamwork tips

Designate “email windows”
3x daily
to alleviate stress and maximize personal productivity.

Use collaboration software
$3.7 billion
in salary costs is spent on unnecessary meetings.
Invest in technology to avoid meeting overload.
Be present with your team
Meetings aren’t the enemy. They can be valuable forums for teams to build off the collective genius. Problem is,
People are too distracted during meetings:

Teamwork tips

Close your laptop
more mistakes are made when people have devices in front of them during a meeting.

Opt for video
4% vs. 57%
4% multitask on video calls vs. 57% on phone calls. If you must work remotely, choose video.

Show up in person
of messages are received via body language.
There’s something in it for you
It's not just about team productivity. Being a focused, engaged, and contributing team member is also
Good for your career: