Rent the Runway + Atlassian
Rent the Runway relies on Atlassian for its high-end fashion experience

New York City, NY
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Named one of the top websites of the year by FastCompany and TIME Magazine, New York City-based start-up Rent the Runway loans designer dresses and accessories to women for a fraction of the purchase price.
Over the years, the company has evolved from providing a simple online catalogue, to managing its own warehouse and order fulfillment and launching Our Runway, a service that lets women shop based on user-generated photos of women with similar body types.
“At the end of the day, technology is our backbone. We’re in the fashion industry, but we’re a tech company first and foremost," says Jeannice Angela, product manager at Rent the Runway.
Rent the Runway relies heavily on Jira and Confluence to ensure the team of more than 20 engineers based in New York are working as efficiently as possible. "As a product manager who also manages projects and performs quality assurance tests, Jira is a necessity to easily keep everything under control. Confluence has greatly helped with requirements-gathering by allowing easy collaboration with much-appreciated version control, embedding of media, adding comments, and allowing flexible ways to organize and store documents," Angela says.
"Suffice to say, if I'm not in Gmail or our software products, I'm most definitely working in Jira and Confluence."
Like a lot of fast-paced start-ups, most departments in Rent the Runway – from Software Development to Analytics to Marketing – use Jira and Confluence to track each other’s progress. For instance, product managers and engineers use Confluence to brainstorm feature ideas, and product managers can track execution of new features in Jira.
The flexibility of Jira dashboards, in particular, allows both technical and non-technical teams to optimize the software for their own purposes, Angela says.
Jira has allowed a great deal of transparency across business and development teams – contributing to a product that's truly a collaborative effort every step of the way.
Jeannice Angela
Product Manager, Rent the Runway
“Jira has allowed a great deal of transparency across business and development teams – contributing to a product that's truly a collaborative effort every step of the way," says Angela. Such transparency has brought a great deal of speed to the company.
"In terms of efficiency, with Jira we’re able to release software on time, which is our benchmark for success," Angela says. "Last year, we were releasing every two weeks. This year, we are aiming to release every week, with fixed two-week sprints."
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