
Atlassian Analytics Overview

Visualize data across your Atlassian toolchain for holistic insights.

Data lake illustration

Atlassian Analytics for Cloud Enterprise

Atlassian Analytics is available for Cloud Enterprise customers of Jira, Jira Service Management, or Confluence.

speech bubbles

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What is Atlassian Analytics?

Atlassian Analytics offers simple and flexible ways to visualize data across Atlassian products and other data sources, giving you holistic insights into how work gets done across teams. With Atlassian Analytics, you get:

Why use Atlassian Analytics?

Speed up decision-making at all levels across your DevOps, Agile, IT service management, and business teams with Jira, Jira Service Management (including Assets and operations data), Jira Align, and Confluence data in Atlassian Analytics.

Screenshot of value stream flow metrics

Confluence smartlinks dashboard

Scaled Agile teams

Analyze program and portfolio metrics that measure organizational effectiveness.

  • Use the Flow Metrics dashboards to track OKR pacing and continuously refine your strategy
  • Directly access Jira Align program-level data using the Atlassian ecosystem, meaning no more clunky API connections
  • Analyze portfolio budget and spend metrics to make critical prioritization, trade-off, and funding decisions
  • Monitor the health and status of epics to track At Risk and On Track project areas


Understand how your development cycle is delivering value to your customers.

  • Understand the net flow of work and the team’s focus on committed issues
  • Measure the ratio of defects and bugs to the total issues completed in a given time period
  • Track lead time, cycle time, and the distribution of work completed with Flow Analytics
A flow analytics dashboard in Atlassian Analytics shows charts for tracking throughput, distribution of work, lead time, and cycle time.

Screenshot of a flow analytics dashboard

Proactively identify potential blockers across projects in your development cycle.

  • View the impact of issues at the project and organization level
  • Monitor issue and project status by age, assignee, and priority
  • Easily track risks, status, priority, and time-to-resolution
A Jira project overview dashboard in Atlassian Analytics shows charts used by DevOps teams to track issues created vs. resolved, project progress, average issue age, and risk by status and priority.

Screenshot of a Jira project overview dashboard

IT Service Management

Monitor and alleviate service blockers that are impacting time-to-value for your customers. Track key metrics across change, incident, and request management.

  • Track open requests, agent workload, adherence to SLAs, and customer satisfaction
  • Understand trends in incident creation, responses, and resolution timelines
  • Monitor trends in change request resolution over time across different change request risks, types, and services
  • Analyze objects in your asset and configuration management system, their related issues and projects, as well as time spent on them
A request management dashboard in Atlassian Analytics shows charts used by IT service management teams to track requests created vs. resolved, time to resolution, open requests by type, and IT agent workload.

Screenshot of a request management dashboard

Marketing, HR, and revenue teams

Analyze how teams are creating and managing content across Confluence sites. Track key metrics to understand the flow and usage of spaces, pages, and more.

  • Get an aggregate view of total spaces, pages, blog posts and comments

  • Understand adoption across your content by measuring metrics by space type

  • Track status and freshness of your content by which pages have been updated recently and what their status is

  • Gain insight into what topics teams are creating content for by drilling down into the top labels across your Confluence site

A Confluence adoption dashboard in Atlassian Analytics shows metrics used by business teams to track total active pages, comments, blog posts, and spaces. It also shows total pages created by space type and comments created by space type.

Screenshot of a Confluence adoption dashboard

How Atlassian Analytics works

Select your data sources

Atlassian Analytics seamlessly connects to the Atlassian Data Lake and lets you configure which products and instances you want to pull data from.

Select to include or exclude Jira projects, Confluence spaces, Assets, or operations data.

A product data selection screen shows how to select measurement data from eligible Atlassian products.

Data connections

Start with pre-built templates

You can access a number of template dashboards and charts as soon as you create a connection to one of your product instances. These templates are designed to address the common needs of business and technical teams. 

  • Drill down to get insights on specific project timelines and bottlenecks
  • Comment and share with key stakeholders to drive action
A selection screen shows examples of templates that you can use to source data from Atlassian products when using Atlassian Analytics.

Screenshot of template dashboards available in Atlassian Analytics

Run SQL your way

Build custom views across products or instances with the ability to run SQL queries directly against the Atlassian Data Lake. Users who may not be familiar with SQL can use visual query mode - a no-code way to build custom charts and dashboards.

Spin up new charts by adding columns and filters, with intuitive joins between your data sets. Switch over to written SQL if you want to peek under the hood and adjust your queries.

An animated screen showing how to use visual and written SQLs.

Explore multiple visualization options

Choose charts and diagrams that work best for your visualization needs. Atlassian Analytics will recommend a chart type based on the shape of your queried and transformed data.

An animated screen shows chart visualization options.

Comment, download, and embed

Atlassian Analytics dashboards and charts are collaborative by nature. Users can comment on charts and tag their team with questions. Dashboards and charts can also be shared using Smart Links into Confluence pages and Jira issues to share analysis with even more teams.

Confluence smartlinks dashboard

A dashboard embedded via a Smart Link into a Confluence page

Atlassian Data Lake

Learn more about including data from your Atlassian products in a single, queryable system - enriched and ready for analysis.

Ready to get started or just have questions?

Discuss Cloud Enterprise plans for access to Atlassian Analytics