Human resource templates

Use this collection of templates for HR teams to find, hire, onboard, and help employees excel in your organization.

About this collection

The most successful recruiters, HR managers, hiring managers, and business partners know that finding great talent is only the beginning. Help support awesome employees with streamlined onboarding, comprehensive handbooks, and policies, and manage training for team development. Keep your teams happy, productive, and thriving with this collection of HR templates.

Human resource templates

How to use this collection

Job description

Job description

Create compelling job descriptions outlining roles, responsibilities, and company benefits to attract top candidates.

By Indeed
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Step 1: Catch the best

Recruit the best talent for your growing business with clear job descriptions.

A+ job postings get A+ candidates. This template will help you and your team agree on what you’re recruiting for, as well as make it easier to clearly convey expectations to potential interviewees. Reduce back-and-forth with hiring managers and write the job description of your candidates' dreams.

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Hiring process

Hiring process

Develop a repeatable hiring process to get everyone on the same page and make recruiting a breeze.

By Indeed
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Step 2: Sign great employees

Ensure candidates have an exceptional hiring experience.

Whether you’re hiring someone remote or in-person, this template will keep you organized, enhance your candidates' experience, and help you land the very best applicants for open positions.

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90-day plan

90-day plan

Create a 90-day plan to help new hires get up to speed and succeed in their new role.

By Atlassian
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Step 3: Onboard new team members

Streamline your team’s onboarding process with simple instructions that include resources and expectations.

New employees who have a great first 90 days are much more likely to set down roots. This template will organize and clarify your onboarding process so your employees can easily get up to speed and make themselves at home. Introduce them to your company values, point them to key people and resources, and give them goals and milestones to work towards. You can also include fun things like social calendars and where dog owners post all their cute photos.

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Performance improvement plan

Performance improvement plan

Your customizable framework to address performance issues

By Atlassian
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Step 4: Support your teammates

When an employee is struggling, use a trusted framework that sets clear expectations for how to get back on track.

We want everyone to do well, but performance concerns don’t go away on their own. A good performance improvement plan (PIP) will help an underperforming employee who is struggling to get a little career TLC and put them on the path to long-term success. This template gives managers a framework to define expectations, deficits, and objectives clearly, so employees have absolute clarity as they work through issues.

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Career development plan

Career development plan

Create a development plan to help employees grow and achieve their professional goals.

By Atlassian
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Step 5: Help your team thrive

Great managers promote growth, align with your team on opportunities for development.

This template helps employees assess their strengths and growth areas, identify opportunities to develop skills, and set achievable, measurable professional goals. This framework will get you both on the same page for growth and/or promotion.

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