Stand-ups in action
This accounting team holds their Stand-up over Zoom and uses Trello for their project board.
This team of software developers conducts their Stand-up in person.
This product launch team works in multiple time zones, so they use Slack to run an async Stand-up.
What you'll need
Video conferencing with screen sharing
Digital project board
Meeting space
Display screen
Digital project board
Optional templates
Atlassian Templates
Instructions for running this Play
1. Prep 5 MIN
Pick the same time and space to meet for each Stand-up meeting.
For remote teams, use video conferencing with the ability to screen share your project board.
For in-person teams, try a quiet corner of the office near your work board.
If you’ve never run a Stand-up before, consider sharing the following prompts in advance of the meeting so the team can come prepared.
Thinking about [insert team goal],
“Since the last Stand-up, I have…”
“Before the next Stand-up, I will…”
“What’s slowing me down is…”
Where does your team share what they're working on? If the answer is, “We don’t,” try the Prioritization Matrix Play and follow it with a project board (see template).
2. Stand up 15 MIN
Stand up! Yes, even if you’re on a video conference call. This keeps the meeting focused.
Each team member briefly shares the progress they've made since the last Stand-up, their plan until the next Stand-up, and whether there’s anything blocking their progress. The meeting should be no longer than 15 minutes.
Managers might be tempted to join the team Stand-up to get updates or direct work. But, this slows down the meeting and takes agency away from the team. Instead, meet with managers to see how else to meet their needs.
If everything’s going suspiciously well, try asking:
“If I had to get help on one thing, it would be…”
“I could get things done faster if…”
Offline topics
After the 15-minute stand-up, invite anyone who wants to leave to do so. Anyone who has time and a discussion point for the team can stay to continue talking.
Help from my friends
Have team members follow up to help each other with any challenges that came up in the meeting.
Global distribution
Working in different time zones? Do an asynchronous Stand-up with your team on your preferred communication platform where everyone can write down and submit their updates. Some communication platforms like Slack even have bots you can set up to remind the team to send their updates.
Walk the board
Instead of going person by person, go through your work board item by item. Start with any items that are blocked and discuss how to get them unblocked. Then go through each remaining item to discuss how to complete them.
Pass the ball
For in-person teams, get a physical object for teammates to throw to the next person they’d like to hear from. For remote teams, have each person pick the person they’d like to hear from next.
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